Saturday, March 28, 2009

One Month Old!

How is it possible that a whole month has already gone by? My little potato has grown and changed so much in just 4 fast weeks. He's gone from being the most mellow and cry-free baby that charmed all the hospital nurses to a grunting gas machine who really seems to despise his changing table.

He's also definitely put on some weight, as is evident by the extra-chubby cheeks & multiple chins!

Connor loves his bath time - the whole process, from cleaning to drying. He doesn't splash too much yet, but seems content to spend as much time in the tub as we'll allow.

It's been warm enough on two occasions for us to take a walk outside with Connor in the Moby - which he loves! We've also ventured out of our neighborhood to visit some stores and some friends.

We've been very happy to have lots of visitors so far. Connor still remains a pretty mellow baby overall and likes being held by anyone who'll have him. (Although he certainly LOVES his Mama...just ask Daddy!!)

I'm excited to see how much he'll change in the next month, but am certainly in NO rush for those weeks to go by. Before I know it, my little potato will be a tater tot!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

You guys are looking great...thanks for the update!